Who - O Boy was developed by Bob Boylan and I dedicate it to my wife, Terry, for her love and her understanding of my ways. - Credits Jens Peter Alfke - thanks for the AEGizmos ... I couldn't live without them. Constantine Spathis (MadHack) - thanks for the shell, the good times, and MacHack info. Kevin Koestner - thanks for testing and for your opinion. Jacquelyn - thanks for helping design the icon. Katelyn - thanks for the keyboard help. James/Davey - thanks for loaning me your Game Boy. Steve Jasik (Clapton of the Mac) - God I love that debugger. Bare Bones - thanks for the jewel of my development environment. Metrowerks - thanks for the quality we all need more of. Onyx - thanks for the feeling that everything is OK. Monarch - thanks for loaning me the Mac IIfx I used to develop O Boy. MacHack 96 - thanks for the challenge and, in advance, for a great time.